29 November 2009
"Live Like I'm Alive"
"Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire." -Thomas Merton
24 November 2009
22 November 2009
State of Fear
Wow. So apparently, there's been a little hacking going on in research facilities. Ever heard of ClimateGate? No? Then you'll [possibly] enjoy the link listed previously.

A little background on my stance on Global Warming. I read a book by Michael Crichton a few years ago called "State of Fear" where he (in his normal novel format) outlines how the global community is being fear mongored by scientists searching for more research grants for "global warming" and that they'd go to every extent to get that money. It's interesting considering the late Crichton was very liberal politcally. This doesn't mean he was ignorant though and even though I'm sure he was looked down upon by other members of his party, he still wrote and published his book, the epilogue of which contained his personal beliefs regarding our care and stewardship of the environment which just so happens to coincide with my own for the most part. Either way you look at it, you should read the book. It'll probably be a movie within the year considering this breach in informational e-mails about the hoaxing of the human race.

A little background on my stance on Global Warming. I read a book by Michael Crichton a few years ago called "State of Fear" where he (in his normal novel format) outlines how the global community is being fear mongored by scientists searching for more research grants for "global warming" and that they'd go to every extent to get that money. It's interesting considering the late Crichton was very liberal politcally. This doesn't mean he was ignorant though and even though I'm sure he was looked down upon by other members of his party, he still wrote and published his book, the epilogue of which contained his personal beliefs regarding our care and stewardship of the environment which just so happens to coincide with my own for the most part. Either way you look at it, you should read the book. It'll probably be a movie within the year considering this breach in informational e-mails about the hoaxing of the human race.
21 November 2009
"Look At What We Can Do"
There's an episode of Sports Night that no matter how many times I watch it, it really gets me excited about being alive right now. There's a few of those shows that speak to me, but every time I see something like the following YouTube video, it reverberates through my mind...
17 November 2009
Do...No, BE As You're Told
"I didnt know I was mad about anything. I guess if the New York Times says I am, I must be."
-Mark Cuban
This man is brilliance. Revolutionizing the business world as they've known it.
-Mark Cuban
This man is brilliance. Revolutionizing the business world as they've known it.
08 November 2009
07 November 2009
"I've Made A Mess Of Me"
I hate the past. Life could potentially be better without one. At least, to remove everything except the experience of it. I just want the past to dissipate and go away. I don't want her or my past to interfere anymore. It causes un-necessary arguments (mostly due to a lack of understanding on either of our parts). There's no point in expressing the reasons why. There are no reasons. The past is behind us...not our current concern...who cares...Our investment. That's what cares. We pissed away time, emotion, energy, and time on that crap. So our investment in it (no matter how misguided) cares.
Now, is that bad? Is it wrong to hope that our entire time with that other person was a waste? I don't think so. The things that hurt us are so much of what makes us who we are today that it'd be foolish to think that it's wrong to wish it never happened. But, now that we're living as our current selves, why dwell? There's really no reason. Why is this?
Because what is developing the current me is you. I like me now. I've never liked me like I like me now. My life is no longer a mess...it's useful.
P.S. You may have just listened to my "gotta finish this beer, like, tonight" ramblings...sorry if it doesn't make sense. I'll re-read it tomorrow to be sure it's alright...
Now, is that bad? Is it wrong to hope that our entire time with that other person was a waste? I don't think so. The things that hurt us are so much of what makes us who we are today that it'd be foolish to think that it's wrong to wish it never happened. But, now that we're living as our current selves, why dwell? There's really no reason. Why is this?
Because what is developing the current me is you. I like me now. I've never liked me like I like me now. My life is no longer a mess...it's useful.
P.S. You may have just listened to my "gotta finish this beer, like, tonight" ramblings...sorry if it doesn't make sense. I'll re-read it tomorrow to be sure it's alright...
06 November 2009
WARNING: This Post Will Offend You In Some Way

Now, I don't typically post strongly political or religious stuff on here due to my (for lack of a better term) "mixed" audience, but it's getting truly ridiculous. It was around this time last year that I watch a bunch of smart people lose their minds and make us out to be a band of complete idiots. I love being a Christian, I really do, but there's not a ton of things more un-Christ-like than rendering that which is Cesar's to be God's. There's no love in manufacturing yourself a martyr in the name of "free-speech" on the steps of Washington D.C. Stop confusing the message of an absolute need for a Savior with bigotry and hatred. I know a lot of these terms are thrown about aimlessly by both sides and not everyone who is/was pro Prop 8 is a hateful bigot, but look at what the people are seeing! What would you think if a group of people stood up and said, "we want to legislate against Christianity"? Would you not be appalled? Would you not picket? What would you do if a country founded on religious freedom and beliefs actually printed a ballot that outlawed a belief?
Stop giving people more reasons to hate us, they already have plenty, and do what we are compelled to do by the Bible which is to pray for EVERYONE and not ignore or hate people for having a different opinion. Who died and made us God? Why are we spending so much time arguing and fighting with each other? Pray, people, that's what we're supposed to do.
I realize I'm not the best example for any of this stuff and I've probably lost one or two (read: all) of my readers because of this post, but it's getting ridiculous. I know there are plenty of people who disagree with me too, but it's the internet and I can write what I want, therefore, my post...
Articles: Wikipedia about Matthew Shepherd Act and the take on it by the gay community.
05 November 2009
"...I want to live like I know what I'm leaving..."
"here we are now with our desperate youth and pain, we're awakening. Maybe it's called 'ambition', you've been talking in your sleep about a dream, we're awakening..."
01 November 2009
It was all over from here...we were already sub-consciously plotting...especially that blonde one. I mean, look at that face. I think somewhere down deep inside, I knew from the moments just prior to this shot that the existence I held before was no longer valid, had expired, and living was on it's way.
I love you, Kimby...thank you for breathing life into me.
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