It's been interesting lately, being at home as much as I have been, because of ailment or otherwise. But, it's been so rewarding actually
living my life as opposed to just observing the few meager excuses for personal memories I used to have before
Kimberly. I have new memories. I have a fire in the fireplace and my wonderful woman curled up next to me. I'm watching my newest (about an hour old now) obsession of
The United States of Tara.
Kimberly heard about this show from some friends who were appalled that she hadn't seen or even really heard about it yet. It's this amazing show on Showtime about a mother with Multiple Personality Disorder who made a family decision to stop taking her medication so her old "friends" re-surfaced and keep interrupting, good or bad, her life. Very real. Great work by Diablo Cody and Steven Speilberg. Great cast too, the four family members are so good at interacting, even in the Pilot. I think it's irreverent and perfect and you should all watch it.
Anyway, I am really enjoying all the time I get to spend with Kimberly and our kitties, despite the sickness, but it's time
well spent and i finally, after 25 years, feel completely fulfilled. The pieces are starting to fall into place, not as quickly as some (read: Kimberly ;) ) would like, and I'm completely joking, Kimberly, I just love that you love that quote.
Now, stop reading my blog, go live your lives, friends.